Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Guess What?

It is only mid March but the season of all colour has passed into that preseason of mud.  So now we get to practice painting mud on purpose.  But how to make it interesting?

Credit River Runoff - Mud this morning

At least this has four different corners and some diagonals.  Balance?  Maybe another spot offers better composition and interest.

Black Silver Creek

High eye line, man made structure, bridge is a stopper across the mid ground, pretty drab.  Look back the other way.  Camera isn't too far off in this one.

Flowing North

Lazy S, different corners, a bit of colour.  Try looking back again.

Looking South

Into the sun, check the corners, warm or cool light (intermittent), lots of perspective.  Low eye line, some colour ( much more than shown in the photo).

The choice.  Should be something that stirs your innards.  Then how to deal with it?  Move things, leave 'em out, add to 'em, wait for the sun, no, maybe a profile looking into the sun....
Try not to sink too far into the mud.

Seems like the Black/Silver Creek doesn't have near so much runoff mud.  Credit is brindle brown.  We have to get this practice in quickly 'cause old USL is right around the corner.  I'm lucky, my palette doesn't change as the seasons come and go.  One less consideration.

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