Thursday, May 7, 2009

From the Plein Air Reference

Well, here is the larger painting taken from the plein air painting.  It didn't paint itself much while left alone over night.  In the studio here I can compare the two versions more easily than you looking at the screen.  I did take some compositional liberties,  and I did add more information for the eye to digest off the larger canvas.  This "larger canvas" is only 4x the size of the plein air painting.  So I thought I would not need too much more information say compared to going to a 40x48.  Well, I was wrong - again.

Rhyme or Reason, 11x14, Oil on canvas

So now I'll take another round with the new painting.  First I'll let it rest and see if it does indeed decide to paint itself.  It has happened before.  Assuming that doesn't work, I can't go back on site - everything has changed including growth and weather.  The reference photos don't pick up what I am looking for - its not a compositional thing.  Instead I'll have to depend on memory and the many experiences painting similar things.  This is why you paint from memory or imagination as well as from life.  The practice strengthens that peculiar set of tools to be used when needed.  By the way, have you looked at the sky here?  Yes, it is green.  Every colour is influenced by the surrounding colours.

The painting was done in the comforts of the studio - no black flies, coffee, music, fresh air, steady north light.  I used a #12, a #6, hogs bristle flat and a #4 hogs bristle round and a palette knife.  Why?  Cause I can.  The palette was cobalt, viridian, cad yellow light, cad orange, alizarin, and titanium white.  there was also some dried up mineral violet, red oxide, and ultramarine.  The palette has been thoroughly cleaned for the next round.

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