Friday, August 26, 2011

Glen Williams Assault

It was almost a men's day, but we were saved at the last minute as Carol joined us.  A superb summer day in the beginning.  We met at the Williams mill and spread out, some painting side by each.

Rod and Vic doing the book shop

The complex of odd angled structures that include a lawyer and book store caught a lot of attention.  The shapes were intriguing.   If you get the value of them well and put them in a decent composition you are half way to a good painting.  

Dick minding Daisy while painting the book store - seen across the street

Interesting that we talked about shape and value while relaxing into a start.  As for me, I decided that the shade was inviting near the book store that the others were painting.  I set up and painted back at them, doing the Glen Oven and waiting for it to open for a mid morning coffee.  Before I got far into my painting Dick ran across the street and asked a lady to move her car from the front of the book store - he was doing an architectural painting.

Basic Lay-in

Well, I guess the concept was OK.  I proceeded to refine the drawing while doing the tones/values.  The further I went the more trouble I encountered.  I had demolished the values - we had just been talking about that.  Maybe the discussion confused my brain.  Then I put down tones that made it worse.

Long Road to Correction

Stepping back I noticed that the painting was nearly cut in half.  Top to Bottom and left to right.  At least I knew what was wrong so I could set out to modify in the studio.  The trip for coffee and back to the studio gave me a rest.  So, I worked on the original concept, using the thumbnail and the palette knife.  Scraping it off can be a painting technique - or an erasure.  I got it to where I originally aimed to get it on site.

The Glen Oven - Ready to Finish

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