Thursday, June 11, 2009

Golden Hour from atop the Glen

After being told to remove vehicles from the cemetery we set up to paint.  Time always accelerates in the golden hour.  Big brush, don't think.  Just record.  Don't even try to chase the fading light.  Memories from the last time will surface.  Facing west we ohed and awed the developing sky.  Gesture drawing experience helps catch the scene.  Look up again and it changes.  What am I trying to say?

Fast at 8 pm, 6x8, Oil on Canvas patch

A bit humbling catching the movement.  All those colours.  The same palette in the same place.  Lots of paint.  No drawing, just quick massing in.  Sun still high, the valley below going to sleep.  How can I get .......... never mind, move on, stop chasing.  We are only using pigment, no light bulbs allowed.  In order to have light you must have.......

Quick Change, 10x12, Oil on Canvas patch

The second scene at 8:30+ was a very quick sketch.  The second heat is faster than the first.  A third should be possible.  Good intro to the series for Wide Open Spaces.

The morning session of the golden hour is in reverse.  It starts off very quickly but slows a bitin each heat then yields to mid day painting in the washed out colours.

Paintings done with a #12 bristle filbert - no time for cleaning.  The palette was the usual Ultramarine Blue, Viridian, Cadmium Yellow middle, Alizarin Crimson, and Titanium White.  Gel medium was also used along with half a roll of paper towels.

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