Tuesday, December 4, 2012

On Value II

The ability to see the correct value in a shape is key to being able to paint what you see.  The next step is to be able to transcribe the value to the canvas.  Squinting at the motif will simplify things and show you the relative value of the shapes.  A value scale will tell you the value of each shape.  Holding the value scale up to the shape in question, find the value that melts into the shape.

Value Scale Against a Painting

Here you will see the lightest and darkest tone on the value scale is not the value of the snow depicted in this painting.  Even though the painting has a different colour, you can tell which value is appropriate.  So, you mix some paint of that value and apply it to the painting.

Grey Value Study

Here we mixed a grey (ultramarine and transparent red oxide) and applied the 4 values to the canvas according to our thumbnail sketch.  This forms an underpainting.  The shapes are placed correctly and with the correct value.  Any grey will do (good mixing exercise).

Next is adding colour.  Getting the colour correct is easy.  Just make it the same value as the appropriate mass.  When applied, it will melt into the mass as you squint.  Where you go from there depends on the concept for the painting.

Value With a Different Colour

This exercise was done on a gloomy overcast day.  No shadows.  This is set up for a local tone painting with 4 values and 4 unique shapes.  Of course you can go on from there.

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