We returned to an area painted 15 years ago. Some areas are grown over. The north end of the road warns "No Exit". So that is a good place to go, and it is a dirt road. Might be able to set up on the road side without being run off by someone in a hurry to nowhere. At the bridge it was obvious that everything was growing fast. Frost was burning off leaving an obvious penumbra. The sun was moving fast, so how to capture the scene and avoid chasing the fleeing shadows? First a quick thumbnail showing the main colour masses and relative values in a composition. Note the main darks. Begin to paint establishing the things that move quickly - the shadows and darks. Block in the masses quickly.
One Week In, 11x14, oil on canvas
After the block in establish the colour and value masses in relation to the area established correctly. Is the area in question darker/lighter, is the colour warmer/cooler, and is the chroma higher/lower. Einstein would be proud of the use of relativity. With the basics established, scanning will allow you to see the special effects nature employs. Try to capture a few of them.
For this painting hogs bristle flat #12 and #6 brushes were used. The palette was ultramarine, cobalt, viridian, lemon, alizarine, and titanium white. The yellow ochre was mixed with lemon, ultramarine and alizarine. Although rich when you mix it, it can be time consuming.